Vocational Rehabilitation and Career Transition
Easec is a firmly established authority in the management of cases where there is a need to source new employers. We offer a suite of services to aid a worker with sourcing, applying for, and securing new employment. We do this whilst providing support, encouragement and advice to the worker as required. We are specialists in the management of long-term / tail claims, and work with complex cases where physical, psychological and psychosocial factors compound and influence the rehabilitation and return to work process.
- Vocational Assessment and Vocational Counselling
- Transferable Skills Analysis
- Labour Market Research
- Job Preparation Skills Training and Job Seeking
- Placement with a Host Employer and Work Trials
- Resumes and Online Profiles
- Assistance with Sourcing Short Retraining Courses
- Career Transition Assistance
Vocational Assessment / Vocational Counselling
A firm vocational goal is a necessity when assisting a worker’s transition into new employment. Vocational assessments identify occupations and areas of industry to enable focus and formulate targeted goals to support redeployment and transition. Our highly experienced rehabilitation counsellors and psychologists determine an individual’s interests, abilities, aptitudes and skills, and analyse this information to identify vocational strengths, transferable skills, needs and career potential to help set a firm vocational goal.
Transferable Skills Analysis
A transferable skills analysis is an assessment of a client’s skills, experience, knowledge and interests, that they have acquired through work and life experiences. A transferable skills analysis will summarise this information, with the view to provide recommendations for employment and job opportunities that would be appropriate given the clients accumulated transferable skills and experiences. A transferable skills assessment is particularly useful when extensive retraining is not required to enter the open labour market.
Labour Market Research
Labour market research is essential when assisting clients to transition into a new employment career. The purpose of labour market research is to provide evidence to support a client’s new employment direction. Finding evidence that confirms there are positions vacant or a strong job outlook can allow insurers and workers alike to invest both money and time in retraining (study and on the job training).
Job Preparation Skills Training / Job Seeking
Easec has developed a unique job skills training program which targets all of the activities required to be undertaken to secure new employment. This program has been developed as a result of providing years of intervention in the Vocational Rehabilitation field and gaining knowledge of what works! Job skills training packages are delivered by experienced professionals, who work with the individual needs of each client and provide training and support tailored to obtain the outcome of securing new employment.
Placement with a Host Employer / Work Trials
Our multidisciplinary team of experts work collaboratively to provide all of the components that ensure successful placement of a person into new employment. Easec holds and maintains a large database of employers who are contacted regularly to update their details and are readily available to provide work experience programs for our clients. Ongoing support is provided to secure employment where necessary.
Résumés and Online Profiles
Easec offers customised résumé writing services to assist individuals to successfully apply for and secure new employment. We understand that everyone’s résumé should be specific to the individual and therefore work with the client to customise their résumé to the specific industry they are working towards moving into, this ensures they have the best chance of achieving their return to work goal. To complement their résumé, we also assist with the development of online employment profiles to further assist with individual networking.
Assistance with Sourcing Short Retraining Courses
Where retaining or upskilling is identified as a requirement, our experienced rehabilitation counsellors and job placement specialists source short training courses that can assist clients to enhance their existing skills or gain new skills to secure their placement into new employment.
Career Transition Assistance
Easec has experience working directly with organisations to provide career transition support in the event that a person is unable to continue in their employment role due to injury, illness, redeployment or redundancy.
Easec will work with the person, providing job placement assistance through a career transition program to help them succeed in their job seeking efforts. The goal of our career transition program is to assist a person to identify an appropriate alternative employment role and ultimately secure meaningful, paid employment in a new role.